
Parent / Child Play Group

In our parent/child program we offer an opportunity for parents to come with their young children between ages birth to 3 in a special, peaceful setting in community with other families.  Together parents can deepen their understanding of early childhood development through conversations with the teacher and one another. Parents will have the opportunity to engage in simple craft activities while their child plays.  This allows parents the chance to observe their child from a distance and to connect with other parents.  Observation is the key to deepening our understanding of our children, so we will use every opportunity to allow them to teach us!

Topics of conversation will include things such as creative discipline, daily and weekly rhythms in the home, ideas for healthy activities, and creating a home environment that is supportive of your child's changing needs.

Email us for more information:



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We offer a community-based education rooted in a deep understanding of the nature of the young child. Inspired by the educational philosophy of Rudolf Steiner, we create a warm, beautiful, and nurturing environment where children learn through imaginative play and creative explorations.   The school also acts as a community center that provides parent-child classes, a parent study group, and crafting classes.  We invite participation from the broader community as we celebrate a diverse range of festivals.


Pre-school / Kindergarten 

In our mixed age group we create a beautiful and nurturing environment where children can learn and grow at their own natural pace.  First and foremost our early childhood environment is a place for creative play.  The children develop confidence and creativity, as they initiate play, explore, and work together.  They develop competence socially as they work, play, discover and wonder together in a safe and secure homelike environment. Daily and weekly rhythms create a sense of security that is vital to healthy development for the young child.  The teacher helps to create an environment of calm and purpose. She engages in meaningful tasks, which children can imitate in their play, or join in along side the teacher offering their help.


Weekly activities include handwork, baking, making soup, gardening, sewing, painting, and drawing. These activities strengthen the imagination and support the child’s developing gross and fine motor skills, as well as their social skills. Stories and puppetry nourish the child’s developing language skills, help to develop the ability to internalize and follow a story thread, strengthen children's attention spans, and prepare the child for later academic learning.  Throughout the year we celebrate the cycles of nature, including seasonal festivals, which help the child intimately relate to the world around her and feel the warmth of community and family.

Our program is mainly run outdoors. We have a beautiful indoor space for when the weather is too cold, and to warm up as needed.  We offer 2-5 day programs from 8:15-12:00, 8:15-2:00.  Your child can participate in our morning or full day program.  We offer an aftercare program that runs until 4:00 Mondays-Thursdays.


Parent / Child Classes

In our parent/child program we offer an opportunity for parents and gaurdians to come with their young children between ages birth to 4 in a special, peaceful setting in community with other families.  Together parents can deepen their understanding of early childhood development through conversations with the teacher and one another. Parents will have the opportunity to engage in simple craft activities while their child plays.  This allows parents the chance to observe their child from a distance and to connect with other parents.  Observation is the key to deepening our understanding of our children, so we will use every opportunity to allow them to teach us!

Topics of conversation will include things such as creative discipline, daily and weekly rhythms in the home, ideas for healthy activities, and creating a home environment that is supportive of your child's changing needs.


Neufeld Institue Classes

We host classes for early childhood educators and parents offered by Laina Clugston from the Neufeld Institue.  Courses inlcude Making Sense of PreSchoolers, Making Sense of Emotions, Making Sense of Aggression, and many more.  


Crafting Classes

Our crafting classes focus on making toys for children. The simple projects will include making baby toys like rattles, simple dolls or animals using cotton or wool. The more elaborate projects will include sewing a doll, felting food for the play kitchen, and making fairies and decoration for the seasonal table. Depending on the level of skill, the class will be for people who have material and just need some guidance or company, and also for people who are interested in learning something new.  The toys we will create are wonderful and your children will play with them for a long time! 


Study Group

The study group provides parents and educators an opportunity to come together as a community, learn more about child development, and support one another.  In our study groups we learn together, and have fun!  All are welcome.  Contact us for more information.  



Looking at our life stories and drawing from the wisdom of traditional folk tales this group provides community members with opportunities to identify patterns and find meaning in our own stories.